About Us

We make your business more successful.

For years we used HubSpot for our agency (leadpoint.ch). Then we discovered Mautic...and were flabbergasted. Find out here what makes Mautic so special and why we developed CampaignPRO on the basis of Mautic.

Why we exist

Today's marketing solutions are more complicated than ever. With CampaignPRO we want to change that - and offer you a simple way to automate your marketing. Our solution is based on Mautic. It is very easy to use, can be quickly integrated into existing systems and offers you full control over your data. In addition, CampaignPRO scales flexibly as your business grows.

How the idea came about

Our agency leadpoint.ch was one of the first HubSpot agencies in German-speaking countries. We were convinced by the solution - after all, HubSpot offers a comprehensive all-in-one solution. Why did we break away from HubSpot anyway? At some point, we had a customer who couldn't afford HubSpot. We looked for cheaper alternatives, found Mautic - and from then on, it was all up for us.

Why we rely on Mautic

Mautic is a so-called open source marketing automation framework. It offers everything HubSpot offers - but can be flexibly adapted to your own wishes and requirements. Furthermore, it is guaranteed DSGVO compliant and increases your data protection. We saw the huge potential of Mautic and developed our own cloud solution that makes marketing automation easier than ever - and helps both companies and agencies generate more revenue with less effort.

Are you ready?

Arrange a free and non-binding demo appointment. We will present CampaignPRO to you in a 30-minute video conversation. Afterwards, you decide how to proceed.

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